The AEON series offers a frameless screen featuring Edge Free technology, giving it a sleek, modern appearance reminiscent of a large television. The included thin frame adds another level of...
The Saker Tab Tension series is a high-quality motorized projection screen in an elegant white or black aluminum housing. This screen is equipped with the “tab-tension” system, the tension...
The ezFrame frame screen series is a high-quality frame screen with a 6 cm wide velvet-flocked aluminum frame. Since the cloth is firmly clamped in the frame, optimal flatness is...
The Sable Frame series is our entry-level frame screen with different types of screen material. The aluminum frame is flocked with velvet and flattened on the inside edges to avoid...
Produkt information : DAYWALKER EDGE FREE The DayWalker Serie is an ALR fixed frame projector screen that uses Elite’s Edge Free technology. The global design resembles a giant size flat...
The Kestrel Tab-Tension 2 CLR® is an electric floor projection screen with an overhead light absorbing screen fabric to decimate the washout effect of overhead lights in bright rooms. The...
Product information "DAY WALKER PROJECTION SCREEN" The Daywalker Series includes a tab-tension system to maintain flatness all across the projector screen. Standard features include a wireless 5-12 volt trigger, IR/RF...